Challenge 1 - Customize Course Navigation
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a website url
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Course Navigation is the left menu in your course, which consists of 16 links by default (Note: the Chat link has been temporarily disabled). Use the Course Navigation to move quickly between the various tools inside your Canvas course and customize the links to control where your students can navigate. You can view a more detailed description of each link in the Canvas Challenge - Glossary of Key Terms.pdf Download Canvas Challenge - Glossary of Key Terms.pdf (click the document link to download the file, click the magnifying icon to preview the file within the page, or access the file from the Files link on the Course Navigation).
Your first challenge is to customize your Course Navigation Links. To access the Course Navigation Links:
Hide all links except for: [NOTE TO CHALLENGE LEADER: You can customize the list below with your school's Navigation preference.]
When you are done, copy the URL from where you completed the Challenge within your course, click "Submit Assignment" on the Sidebar, and submit the URL. Follow these steps for every Challenge assignment submission you complete. Each Challenge provides a Rubric for guidance, and you must earn at least 10 points to achieve mastery. |
Canvas Instructor Guide - How do I customize Course Navigation Links?