Canvas Show & Tell
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
Congratulations, you have completed the Canvas Challenge!
[NOTE TO CHALLENGE LEADER: Add a message congratulating the participants...reminding them to take the Post-Challenge Survey and to attend the Show & Tell event.]
Now you get to see what others have accomplished and together celebrate your success at the Show & Tell event. You can view the meeting details below, as well as on your course Calendar. Don't forget to complete the Post-Challenge Survey if you haven't done so already. Thank you for your participation! You are encourage to continue building upon your Canvas skills and to lead your own Challenge!
Education is not an arrival achievement.
It is a journey, and in fact, a continuing process.
When learning is applied properly, it can become power.
Your Challenge Leader,
Date: Day, Month, Year
Time: TBD
Location: Room ###
Food/drinks will be provided
Meeting Agenda
- Show & Tell (30 min)
- Completion Certificates and Prizes, Food and Celebration! (30 min)