Challenge 3 - Gather Materials for a Unit & Upload Files
- Due No Due Date
- Points 20
- Submitting a website url
Estimated Time: 10-15 minutes
Files are where you upload course files, images, syllabi, readings, or other documents. You can lock the folders so students cannot access your files. Files can be placed in Modules, Assignments, or Pages.
In this Challenge, choose a unit/topic and upload any corresponding files into your course. To access your course files and begin uploading:
Make sure you have gathered enough material to create the following items in your upcoming Challenges:
Tip! This does not require building a unit/lesson from scratch. Gather content from materials that you are already using in your classroom. You will be organizing the content into a Module in your 9th Challenge.
Next, access your Challenge EtherPad or Google Doc by clicking here, and under your name, type a short description of what unit you’ve chosen and the materials you’ve gathered. [NOTE TO CHALLENGE LEADER: Create an EtherPad or Google Doc for this course under the Collaborations page prior to this Challenge and list each participant's name on the document.]
Access the Challenge Q&A Discussion here if you have a question or comment.