Challenge 8 - Create a Page
- Due No Due Date
- Points 20
- Submitting a website url
Estimated Time: 5-10 minutes
Pages are where you can put content and educational resources that do not fit well in an assessment (e.g., an assignment, quiz or graded discussion). This is a place where you can include text, images, video, and links to your files. You can even make links to other pages. If you’ve ever used a wiki, pages are essentially wikis with a more usable interface. Canvas also keeps the entire history of the page so you can see how it changes over time.
In this Challenge, build a Unit Overview Page. Include basic information introducing the unit and embed a media comment somewhere on the page. Some tips for items to include on the page are:
[NOTE TO CHALLENGE LEADER: You can customize this assignment by requiring a particular format for the unit page. If your school has a desired template, create a page in this course as an example and link to it on this Challenge page.] |
In addition to this task, visit the Challenge Q&A Discussion and post a response to one of the following topics: 1) A question you have about creating pages, 2) Collaboration ideas for using wiki pages that are editable by students, 3) Tips for using pages to provide meaningful content and educational resources.
Access the Challenge Q&A Discussion here if you have a question or comment.
For more help, watch the video to learn about what a Page is or click on the below links to access step-by-step instructions in the Canvas Guides.
What are Pages?
- How do I create a Page?
- How do I record Audio using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I record Video using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I upload an audio file using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor?